Doris Adabasu Kuwornu


Doris Adabasu Kuwornu is a Journalist, a TV Producer/Director, a Documentary Video Director and a …

Professor Kofi Quashigah


In collaboration with Prof. Obiora Okafor of the Osggode Hall, Law School, Canada, he promoted …

Donald Gwira


Donald Gwira is an award – winning Public Relations and Global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) …

Mr. Kofi Marrah


Between 1997 and 2009, he worked at the World Bank Office in Accra in various …

Dr. Kweku Rockson


At the level of practice, Dr. Rockson has served as a member of the National …

Mr. Samuel Sarfo


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Who We Are

The New Times Corporation, is a state-owned media organisation regulated by the National Media Commission. It was formally known as the Guinea Press and was established by the first president of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah in 1757 as the printing house for his Convention People’s Party (CPP).


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